Kursi Road, Barabanki, Uttar PradeshEmail: [email protected]

To reach the address “Kursi Road, Near Amroon Factory, Fatehpur, Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh,” you can consider the following transportation options:

    1. By Road: Fatehpur is well-connected by road and is accessible from major cities and towns in Uttar Pradesh. You can reach Fatehpur by bus or private vehicle. Once you reach Fatehpur, follow these directions:
      • If you’re coming from Barabanki, take the Kursi Road. The address is located near Amroon Factory on Kursi Road.
      • If you’re coming from other nearby towns or cities, inquire locally for directions to Kursi Road and then proceed towards Amroon Factory.
    2. By Train: The nearest railway station to Fatehpur is Barabanki Junction. From Barabanki Junction, you can hire a taxi or take a local bus to reach Fatehpur. Once in Fatehpur, follow the directions mentioned above to reach Kursi Road near Amroon Factory.
      Trains from nearby city:
      Firozabad to Barabanki trains, Kanpur to Barabanki trains, Sultanpur to Barabanki trains.
    3. By Air: The nearest airport to Fatehpur is Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport in Lucknow. From Lucknow Airport, you can hire a taxi or use other local transportation options to reach Fatehpur. Once in Fatehpur, follow the directions mentioned earlier to reach Kursi Road near Amroon Factory.
    4. Local Transportation: Once you reach Fatehpur, you can use local transportation options such as auto-rickshaws, cycle rickshaws, or taxis to reach Kursi Road near Amroon Factory. Ask for directions from locals or use GPS navigation for assistance.

Mr. Ashok Kumar Singh

Designation: Principal
Qualification: ME, Master of Engineering (Electrical)
Experience: 25 Years
Email: [email protected]
Ph No: 9415581024

Dr. Ombir Singh

Designation: Lecturer, English

Mr Mohd. Tariq

Designation: Lecturer, Civil Engineering
Subjects: Related to Civil Engineering
Experience: 30 years
Email Id: [email protected]

Mr. Anurag Rawat

Designation: Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering
Qualification: M.Tech (Manufacturing & Automation)
Email: [email protected]
Subjects Taught: Mechanics of Solid, Strength of Materials, Applied Mechanics, Thermal Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Heat and Mass Transfer

Mrs Shilpi Mishra
Designation: Lecture (Mechanical Engineering)
Qualification: M.Tech (Mechanical Engineering-CIM)
Email: [email protected]
Experience: 5 years Industrial Experience and 9 years teaching experience in Government Polytechnic

Mrs Richa Pathak
Designation: Lecturer, Mathematics
Qualification: M.Sc, B.ed (Math)
Subjects Taught: Applied Maths-I
Applied Maths-II
Applied Maths-III
Email ID: [email protected]

Mr. Devendra Kumar Mishra

Designation: Lecturer Physics
Qualification: M.Sc, B.Ed
Experience: 06 Years and 07 Months
Subjects taught: Applied Physics I, Applied Physics II
Email: [email protected]

Mrs. Rekha Chandola

Department : Mechanical Engineering
Qualification : B.Tech, M-Tech
Experience : 11 years
Email id: [email protected]
Subject Taught: Applied Mechanics, Hydraulics, Manufacturing Processes, Production Technology, Natural and material sci, Basics of mechanical & Civil Engineering CAD

Mrs. Preeti Shah

Designation: Lecturer, Chemistry

Mrs. Leena Choudhary

Designation: Lecturer, Computer
Qualification: M.Tech
Experience: 4 Years Government + 9 Year private
Email ID: [email protected]
Subject Taught: Basics of Information Technology, Introduction to Computer

Mr. Mohd Suhail

Designation: Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering

Mr. Sudhakar

Designation: Lecturer, Electronics Engineering
Qualification: B.Tech (Electronics & Communication Engineering), Pursuing M.Tech (Electronics circuit & system)-part time
Experience: 3 year 02 month 0 days (as on 29-11-2019)
Subject Taught: Digital Electronics Analog Electronics
Renewable source of Engineering

Mr. Satyendra Pratap

Designation: Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering
Email ID: [email protected]
Branch: Mechanical Engineering
Qualification: M. Tech (Thermal System Design)
Experience: 1.5 Years
Subject Taught: Hydraulics, Hydraulics & Hydroulics Machines, CNG Technology & Programining, IME

Mr. Vinay Kumar

Designation: Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering

Mr. Manish Kumar Gupta

Designation: Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering
Qualification: B.Tech(Mechanical Engineering)
Experience: 03 yrs in Military Engineering Services as a JE (E/M) & 02 yrs Teaching in Private sector and 1 yrs in Govt Sector
Subject Taught: Theory of Machine, Machine and tool technology

Mrs. Shubha Srivastava

Designation: Workshop Superintendent
Qualification: Ph.D (Pursuing), MBA (Marketing & HR), PGDBA (Operations), B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering)
Experience: 9+ Years (Industrial 6 Years 7 Months + Academics 2 Years 8 Months)
Subject: Workshop Technology, Workshop Technology Lab, Mechanical Workshop Lab)
Email: [email protected]

Miss Chhaya Pal

Designation: Lecturer, Electrical Engineering
Branch: Electrical Engineering
Qualification: B.Tech, M.Tech
Subject Taught: Electrical Machines, Switch Gear and Protection
Email: [email protected]

Mrs. Pankhuri Kishore

Designation: Lecturer, Electrical Engineering
Branch: Electrical Engineering
Experience: 7 years (private institute)
Subjects Taught: Power System, Measurement, Environment
Email id: [email protected]

Mrs Lekha Nain Saxena
Designation -Lecturer Electrical Engineering
Branch -Electrical Engineering
Qualification- B.Tech , M.Tech
Subject - Electrical Machines, Transmission snd Distribution of Power system ,Universal human values
Email [email protected]

Mrs. Ankita Naik

Designation: Lecturer, Electrical Engineering
Qualification: M.Tech (Power Electronics and Drives)
Experience: 1.6 years government and 7 Years private .
Subject Taught: Electrical instrumentation and measurement ,Renewable sources of energy, IMRE.
Email ID: [email protected]

Mr. Ashish Pani Vimal

Designation: Lecturer, Electrical Engineering
Qualification: M.Tech (Power system from.IIT(ISM)DHANBAD
Experience: 1.5 years government and 3 Years private .
Email ID: [email protected]

Ashwani Bhaskar
Designation: Lecturer Civil Engineering
Qualification: B.Tech ,M.Tech
Subjects Taught: Quantity Surveying and Valuation, Software Application in Civil engineering, General Engineering, General Engineering Lab.

Email ID:[email protected]

Ms. Shilpi Singh Rajpoot
Designation: Lecturer Civil Engineering
Qualification: B.Tech

Pramod Kumar
Designation: Lecturer (Mechanical Engineering)
Qualification: M.Tech
Subjects Taught: Machine Design, Mechanics of Solid, Engineering Drawing II, Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing.

Email ID:[email protected]

Aleem Aijaz
Designation: Lecturer Civil Engineering
Qualification: B.Tech, M.Tech
Subjects Taught: Design of Steel Structure, Basic of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Computer Aided Design.

Email ID:[email protected]

Mrs. Kalpana Patel
Designation: Lecturer Civil Engineering
Qualification: B.Tech ,M.Tech
Subjects Taught: Irrigation Engineering, Reinforced cement concrete, Reinforced cement concrete drawing, Steel drawing.
[email protected]

Miss Himanshi Verma
Designation: Lecturer Electrical Engineering
Qualification: B.Tech ,M.Tech
Subjects Taught: Electrical Design Drawing Estimation-2, Basic Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

Email ID: [email protected]

Amit Kumar Mishra
Designation: Lecturer Electrical Engineering
Qualification: B.Tech
Subjects Taught: Utilization of Electrical Energy, Energy Conservation.

Email ID:[email protected]
Mr. Prem Shankar Shukla

Designation: Workshop Instructor
Mr Mohd Shadab Khan

Designation: Sr Assitant

Mrs. Annapurna Vaish

Designation: Librarian
Qualification: MA, M.Lib
Experience: 15 Years (Government)
Email: [email protected]
Mr Ravi Prabhakar

Designation: Jr Assistant